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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 1, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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it is going to happen. >> i am not expecting really to see too much business today at all. i think that until people adjust to the fact it is going up, it will be a slow go. >> the food, the rent is not taxed. but high-end purchases are. a half cent. so it is very progressive. the money we spend on rent, that is really low-income people. >> reporter: if you have money to pay for a car you're going to have to pay more in taxes. coming up at 6:00, i'll introduce you to a woman who has been in business here for about a year. and she tells us how she feels about this sales tax. she will tell us if it means she will have to go or stay. reporting live in redwood city, i'm cheryl herd, nbc bay area news. and a central city valley, the most populated city in the
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nation to declare bankruptcy. the city of stockton made thes- application today, it allows the city to re-organize their debt and avoid completely repaying some creditors. the lawyers argued they had not pursued enough spending or enough of a tax increase to avoid the bankruptcy. others say they have been cut to the bone. official, the man accused in the colorado theater mass shooting will face a possible death penalty sentence. this is video of james holmes, who is charged with killing 12 people, wounding dozens more at a movie theater last summer in aurora, colorado, today, prosecutors firmly rejected holmes's offer of a guilty plea in exchange for a lighter sentence, instead of the death penalty. they say they consulted families of the victims. >> he took one of my good friends from the earth. and the only way that death is served justice is with death.
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>> holmes had no reaction to today's developments. he did, though, look at his parents in the audience. his trial will begin next february. developing in international news, the u.s. 22 stealth fighter jets are in the ocean, aimed at directing south korea regarding the attacks. they are told to take the threats very seriously. coming up at 5:30, "nightly news "will have more on the coverage in the region. there was a moment last fall when san jose firefighters wondered if one of their own would even survive. that makes today remarkable. firefighter frank ryan was back on the job, in fact, there he is going to station one for his first shift in several months, last august, you may recall, he had a heart attack while he was fighting a fire.
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his heart stopped repeatedly while he was rushed to the hospital. today, he is back in good health. he thanked the emts who kept him alive on the way to the hospital. opening day for baseball, giants and a's back in business. they opened at dodgers stadium in los angeles,ñr there was also a big party at at&t park. nbc bay area kimberly terry is back. we begin with henry wolford with more. >> reporter: happy new year, you know, baseball fans have been waiting to hear two words, play ball. and today they got their wish. the world series champs opened the season in their rival's back yard, out the los angeles for the giants/dodgers ball game. plenty of things to do out there. fun under the sun, clayton kershaw, ready to go, brandon belt goes down swinging in the
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second. kershaw, complete game, four hits, 7 strikeouts, guess who goes wide? kershaw, first pitcher to hit a homer on opening day. dodgers win, 4-0. >> i mean, you know, you look forward to a challenge. because you know, obviously it is one of the best in the game. he has had a lot of success, you look forward to the challenge. >> you know, kershaw never gave us a chance to do much at all today. and that is typical for him. we'll have to find ways to kind -- find ways to get runs off of him. you know that is what you expect from him. >> no reason to panic, still 161 games left. by the way, giants and dodgers face off at 7:00 tomorrow night. we'll be back in the 6:00 news cast to preview the a's home opener against the mariners tonight. plus, news regarding the quarterbacks for both the 49ers and raiders.
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>> all right, if you lose on opening day, there are many games remaining. >> let's talk to kimberly terry at at&t park in san francisco, she has been hanging with the faithful giants fans, hi kimberly. >> reporter: hello, fans saying at at&t park is the next best thing to being in los angeles for opening day, an estimated 5,000 fans were in at&t park today to watch the giant's season opener against the rival dodgers on the jumbotron, there were hot dogs and more for the first 3,000 people destiinside stadium. the big attraction was a photo booth, where hundreds were lined up to get a photo for the team's two world series trophies. fans could have watched the game from home but would rather be at the ballpark with other fans cheering the world champions. >> i woke up because i could get the giants up.
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>> this is really great they're doing it for the fans, everybody gets to be a part of opening day, even though they're not here. >> that is great, awesome, i have been waiting forever for the champions to come back. >> fans were bummed that the giants lost today, high hopes for the winning season. the giants's home opener is this friday, back home at at&t park, it is sold out. >> thank you, kimberly, baseball back in the air, the party is just beginning for oakland, in fact, traffic along the 880 may be a little rough. the coliseum is sold out for the a's game against the mariners, they won the division title, game time tonight at the coliseum 7:05. >> all right get the a's game forecast with jeff. >> that is right, a quick game tonight if you're heading to the
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colise coliseum's cooling off, cloud cover increasing, not bad out there for the oakland a's, otherwise for the seven-day forecast, we're tracking rain this week, coming up. okay, we'll see you shortly, still ahead, heartbreak on the court, did you see this? good news about the college basketball player whose on-the-court injury stunned many. what does a ghost smell like? >> google knows? >> what does the inside of an egyptian tomb smell like? google knows. >> others getting tricky, spending big bucks to get a laugh out of you. and were you involved in an april fool's prank? vote, text us or call us, tweet us at nbcbayarea, text one for yes, two for no. we'll be right back in a moment.
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jumbotron, jumbot . it was one of the worst injuries we've ever seen, so much so that most media outlets wouldn't show the re-play. but great news, the basketball player is doing well after successful surgery. kevin ware broke his leg in two places during the tournament game against duke. doctors say the injury won't be a career-ender, he will be back on the court maybe as early as next year. with team members and the coach visiting him in the hospital in indianapolis today, they tweeted photos all throughout. ware said he will join the team to the final four in atlanta next weekend. his injury was so shocking that many of his teammates and coaches were in tears yesterday on the court. but a much better mood today. >>
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in oakland, dozens of bay area activists marked the birth of chavez with a march, organizing the group by any means necessary, participants are calling for full citizenship and open borders. many are marching due to parents and friends long wait for citizenship. and state and federal offices acknowledge the birthday, the actual day was yesterday, acknowledged by google. the home page honored chavez with a simple portrait. some criticized the decision not to do something honoring easter sunday. google did do an easter doodle back in 2000. and a new plan for undocumented workers. the u.s. senators appear to be on the edge of a verge of a
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package. the proposal would provide a new class of worker visas for low-skilled workers. beginning in 2015, it would allow up to 2,000 undocumented workers in the u.s. each year to fill certain jobs the hotels, restaurants, construction and retail. after a year on the job, the workers could seek personal status. they say it could help with the borders and make a path for the illegals already in the country. and distracted drivers beware, the california highway patrol is putting special emphasis on you today. april is increased enforcement, and awareness. the recent survey by at&t revealed the worst offenders are daily commuters, nearly half saying they text while driving, compared to 40% of teens. the chp is looking for other types of distracted drivers, like eating and putting on makeup while driving.
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in health matters, experts say not everybody should be tested for the breast cancer genes. the u.s. preventive service task force now says screening should be limited to those who have a family history of breast cancer and to those who have thoroughly discussed the risks and benefits with their doctors. the task force says the majority of women who do not have a family history of breast cancer genes would not benefit from testing. the test can give inconclusive results which could leave many women wondering about the true risks of the disease. and 80% of teens on the road to heart disease, according to the american heart association. the reason? their diets, the new information says teens eat too much fat, salts and sugar, and not enough exercise, heart disease is the number one killer in the u.s. the heart association says that 80% of cases can be prevented with healthy habits. and watered down, the america cup scaling down the event in san francisco,
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originally about 40 concerts were scheduled to take place at the america cup pavilion between the end of may, and mid-october, that led many to look at the noise, the venue will host only 30 shows, most of which will end at 10:30 at night. ten of the concerts will be on week nights, live nation, the company organizing it, says the speakers will contain the noise. and there will be lots of concerts with the san francisco symphony, musicians are back on the job. after a two-week strike, the musicians reached a tentative deal. they are scheduled to return tomorrow morning for a children's concert. they are working out a new 26-month contract with the board of governors. more details will be released as soon as the contract is ratified. san jose city hall is closed
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for caesar chavez day. this woman is seen trying to satisfy her happy brood as they work on their 4:00 a.m. feeding, every year, clara hatches a new family there on top of city hall. you can see it from the mayor's office. so far, three of her four eggs have hatched, one yesterday, two early today, egg number four should hatch any time. i believe there is still a 24/7 live camera available for clara. >> you know what, i have a mama bird in the rain gutter, i looked in the nest, there is two eggs. >> you know how i know it? i saw it on your facebook page. >> i was like i never know what the do. i don't know how it happened. little chicks born in in house. >> just let them be, do their thing. >> i didn't want them to get washed away, jeff, because of the rain. >> yes, we had the rain this
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weekend, pushing out. doppler radar finding dry conditions here in the east bay. rogue showers across interstate 5, but that is also starting to wind down. the rainfall totals this weekend. los gatos, 47th of a hundredth. san francisco, one in four 100. they're looking at who has the most rainfall. no storm system here for the next four hours. cloud cover building, also at the bay, and the fog increasing, everybody expecting to wake up with low cloud cover, patchy fog, by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, partly cloudy skies, temperatures in the low-to-mid 60s, outside to the camera network on this monday, didn't have too much time to get you outside, we'll do it right now, cloud cover here in san jose, not too much instability left in the south bay, but build-up here
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in fremont, back to the hills, again not getting rain drops here, just making a beautiful sight. and in san francisco looking along the embarcadero, we have clear skies, back towards tiperon, the north bay, cloud cover there, let's get you to the morning forecast, widespread cloud cover there, also areas of fog at the immediate coastline, so definitely, plan extra time if you travel on the 101, also right across the california one, clouds here for the east bay, and south bay, 9 or 10 clock, we'll slowly see the bird pushing back, expecting plenty of sunshine, how about the next chance of rainfall, it is going to be coming as we head throughout the week. 2:00 on thursday, seeing the next area of rainfall lining up at the coastline, gradually, through 6 or 7 or 8:00. we'll see rain pushing across the east bay, and south bay, totals with studethe storm syst moving anywhere from a quarter
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to a half an inch. let's get you to the morning forecast, heading to tuesday over the hump of a morning, cloud cover, fog, keeping it slightly warmer here, 47 in redwood city, 49 in los gatos, 49 in the city, liver more, mid-40s in santa rosa, slight onshore wind with fog, cooler, 67 degrees for tuesday, 68 in san jose, and back to the east bay also, plenty of mid-to-upper 60s, 68 in dublin, 68 in walnut creek and hayward, 63 in san francisco, upper 50s, low 60s, close to 70 in santa rosa, not quite there. so in the three-day forecast, rain returns as we head throughout thursday, then as we look ahead to the upcoming weekend, cloud cover here, showers to the north. right now we'll hold off on any widespread rain here for the bay area, for the upcoming weekend. and then temperatures will later
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be going up and then back down again. so not bad the next two days, and then we'll get some much-needed rain back in here by thursday, as well. >> spring showers. >> yeah, not bad. you're welcome. he is known for his trademark outfits, but is a bay area coach getting his own clothing line? and you just can't trust the tech company on this the first day of april. is youtube really shutting down. we'll be right back in a moment.
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a huge day for investors, after reports that the company will turn a profit for the just-ended quarter. tessla says they sold more cars than expected, including 4500 of
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the model s cars last month. the stock hit an all-time high today on that news. first day of april, lots of pranks, the 49ers took part in the april fools festivities. announce of a new clothing line, the jim harbaugh, the chinos with the shirt tucked in. they stated head coach jim harbaugh is bringing his clothing to the masses, by launching his harbaugh collection, featuring him in his clothing doing several activities. he said in the release, i probably save about 20 minutes per day. i have cut down a lot of drag. >> that is a funny joke, he loves the khakis. we'll be right back.
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okay, for today and today only, youtube is shutting down. that would be one of the many april fool's jokes, you will find no shortage of them being sent around by the tech companies. >> could you imagine buying a company for $1.6 billion, and then april one comes around, no more video, we're done with that. youtube will probably be around for a long time. if you have watched social media for a while, twitter will not charge you to use vowels in your tweet, google could go on, today is the day for pranks, this is video of what google calls google knows, and they spent a lot of money on this video. i tell you this is all about google turning blue, this is where their e-mail turns blue, swift key, another company
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showed us how you can text using your entire body. this was a start-up that put this video together at high expense, the companies we spoke to today said they hope you have fun with the april fool's jokes, because they sure did. >> we do it for our own benefit, really, we like to have fun and make sure it is a great atmosphere at work and the office. so really it is partly that. but also if there is a reaction outside of the office and the company, and outside of the investors and other people, then that is great, as well. >> and they do get reactions all over social media. this video was playing, lots of people will buy into them, too, for example, google's nose got a ton of traction today on social media. one tech worker said he loves the pranks because it gives him an opportunity to do something creative. >> and tweeting something about twitter going down, re-tweeting. >> did you get pranked?
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>> hey, i'm no expert, but i get 80 to 90 pitches a day, and every day on april one, i wonder. >> and we want to say good-bye, you're retiring and moving to can explosi cancun, right? >> like youtube, i'll be around for a while. >> we want to know, were you solved in an april fool's prank, whether you gave or received one, call us, text us, or tweet us, and yes, twitter is still around @nbcbayarea. >> and jeff is doing the news at 6:00. >> we hope to see you then. on our broadcast tonight, state of war. that's the declaration from north korea as tonight the u.s. is sending stealth fighter jets and a guided missile destroyer to the region. our own richard engel is there. an alarming rise in the
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number of children in this country diagnosed with adhd. now up to nearly one in five high school-aged boys. tonight a look at what might be driving these numbers. high alert. as a chilling murder mystery unfolds in texas a top prosecutor and his wife targeted and killed in their home. weeks after one of his top deputies was assassinated. and in the driver's seat. for all those folks who want to keep driving and hang onto the car keys as late in life as possible, what doctors and scientists say you should be doing now to stay on the road later. also tonight, word that the most prominent living kennedy may be about to represent the u.s. overseas. may be about to represent the u.s. overseas. "nightly news" begins now. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good evening. in just the past few days the u.s. has flown over south korea with stealth bombers. now they have sent stealth fighters and a guided missile
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destroyer. it's all because no one likes what they are hearing from north korea, the leader there. and no one knows what it means or how serious he is about his threats including the current declaration of a state of war. he's believed to be 28, 29 years old. he's young and untested. just today former u.s. defense secretary leon panetta said the u.s. must be prepared and very concerned because we cannot know kim jong un's motivations and intentions. it's because of that the u.s. is going ahead with a military statement of its own tonight. our chief foreign correspondent richard engel has reached seoul, south korea tonight and starts us off from there. >> reporter: good evening, brian. south korea thinks the north is bluffing, but pyongyang is playing a dangerous game of brinksmanship which the u.s. is matching with a show of force. military exercises by u.s. and south korean forces.


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